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How NOT to be that “BLEEP!” on Social Media – Professionally Speaking (Part 1)   no comments

Feb 24, 2012 @ 9:53am TurnKey Marketing

Have you ever logged into your Facebook (Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.) and read someone’s recent post, status update or comment and think “What the hell were they thinking,”  OR “Why would they say something like that,” OR “What a JERK”?  Do you NOT want to be that person?  Let’s talk about what you should and shouldn’t do on social media, not even just professionally but having common sense and decency is KEY!

#1 – Have a plan/strategy

First you need to figure out what social media platforms best fit your needs or your business’s needs.  Is it Facebook, which is more social and interactive?  Is it LinkedIn where it’s more professional and purposefully networked?  Or is it Twitter or Google+ or Bing or MySpace or Flickr or I could go on.

Do your research on what each site entails and don’t limit yourself to one.  Talk to people in your professional and personal circles, get their advice…Where are they?  What do they look for? When are they on these sites?  What information is useful to them?  What don’t they like to see or talk about?

Then you need to determine how much time a day/week/month you have to devote to social media.  This really needs to fit into your complete marketing plan.  It will depend, however, on the type of industry you are in and/or what your marketing goals are.  Social Media is still fairly new (when it comes to marketing) but there are many helpful tools out there to help you develop a real Social Media Strategy as part of your overall Marketing Plan.

ALWAYS keep in mind:

  • Who your target is?
  • What platforms are they on?
  • When are the on?
  • What is your message?


#2 – Be respectful/tactful/professional

REMEMBER – You ARE your business! You ARE your FB page! You ARE your LinkedIn Profile!  You ARE who you are ONLINE AND OFFLINE!  Don’t “say” something on a social network that you wouldn’t “say” to someone’s face….I know that’s blunt but it’s really just common sense.  Don’t HIDE behind the internet, it only makes YOU look bad and makes you look like a “BLEEP!”

Read and re-read something before you post it.  It’s hard to sense someone’s true intentions in writing; you can’t see their expressions or hear their tone.  Think about how your audience will interpret your post or comment.  And, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT EVERYTHING YOU DO ONLINE IS THERE FOREVER!!!!

So, before you post something just say this to yourself: “Is this something that I want my grandmother to see or read?”….if not, then DON’T POST IT!


Stay tuned for more ‘How NOT to be that “BLEEP!” on Social Media – Professionally Speaking’ in next weeks blog



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Written by admin on February 24th, 2012

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