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Archive for August, 2022

The Bare-Knuckle Truth About Bare Metal Servers Vs. Virtual Servers   no comments

Posted at Aug 16, 2022 @ 9:00am bare metal servers

Choosing between bare metal and virtual machine servers is not always an easy decision. What’s the difference? And which one is right for you? In this blog post, we will explore the bare-knuckle truth about bare metal servers vs. virtual machines. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each option so that you can make an informed decision about which type of server is best for your business needs.

Bare Metal Servers

A bare metal server is a physical server with dedicated resources, including CPU, RAM, storage, and network ports. A bare metal server has been dedicated to a single tenant. In other words, it’s not shared with anyone else. This contrasts with virtual servers, which are created using virtualization software and can be shared by multiple tenants.

Virtual Servers

A virtual machine server is hosted in a “multi-tenant” environment. This is where multiple virtual servers share the same physical hardware through the hypervisor which can create multiple operating system instances.

Bare Metal vs Virtual Servers


When comparing pricing, bare metal server hosting providers offer predictable monthly costs based on your needs and the configuration of your server. While virtual machines servers’ users have more control over their costs as you only pay for the server resources used throughout each billing period.

On a virtual server, multiple users share the same hardware. The operational cost is split across all of them, making a virtual server more cost-effective than bare metal servers


Bare metal servers are considered more secure. This is because in addition to all the usual threats that any hosting plan faces, virtual machine servers have a particular weakness that bare metal servers do not have. With a virtual server, there is always the chance that a neighbor on the server you share could become corrupted and affect your site.

Performance & Resources

Bare metal servers offer you the flexibility of customizing the server to your CPU, RAM, disk space, and software needs. In a virtual server environment, there is great flexibility in configuration, but limits in terms of storage and memory allocation.

Since a bare metal server dedicates all resources to a single tenant, it offers more consistent and better performance than a virtual server.

When deciding which hosting solution to go ahead with, whether bare metal server or virtual machine server, it is essential to consider your business needs, and how much it’s likely to scale shortly. So, what works best for your business? Contact TurnKey Internet today and we will help you choose the best hosting solution for your business.

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Written by admin on August 16th, 2022

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How to Know When to Migrate to a New Hosting Provider   no comments

Posted at Aug 1, 2022 @ 9:00am Web hosting

Hosting is an essential part of the success of your digital business. With many providers in the market, it can be challenging to figure out which one offers the best plan for you. You must be sure that the services they offer fit your business needs. If you feel that your current hosting provider is no longer meeting your business needs, reassessing your hosting provider may be your only solution. Keep reading to find out what signs to look out for!

When is it Time to Migrate?

There are many different reasons you might want to move to a new web hosting provider. In this blog, we will highlight the top three reasons you might have for changing your web hosting provider:

Frequent downtime issues

Today’s customer is always online, meaning that if they want to access information online, they will do it through multiple devices.

Downtime affects your website’s user experience and searches engine results positions. It shouldn’t be taken lightly. If your site is experiencing frequent outages, your users will come to find they can’t rely on it to be available when needed.

You need more space

It’s important to figure out what flexible hosting plans the hosting provider offers, especially if your business has grown exponentially, or if you expand your business in the future you may need to find out what flexible hosting plans the hosting provider offers. Depending on the growth that you expect from your business, it’s important to think about how much storage and bandwidth you will need. You should have the ability to scale up (or down) based on your business needs. This way you can change hosting plans whenever your business needs to change to and upgrade services instead of migrating to a new hosting provider.

Poor customer service

When it comes to customer service, you should look for technical expertise and service reliability. A skilled, dedicated support team can make all the difference can help prevent minor incidents from escalating, and can help businesses maintain day-to-day operations without disruption.

Does the provider offer support? On-site support availability means quick response to emergency reboots or other issues, particularly if the staff is not located near the facility or cannot get to the facility.

This can also help prevent minor incidents from turning into larger issues. Support technicians should be available 24/7 by phone, email, or web-based support portal in the event of a problem.

Ready to upgrade or need help with a plan for your business? Contact TurnKey Internet today for a FREE consultation with our cloud hosting experts! Visit our website at or call us at 877-539-4638

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Written by admin on August 1st, 2022

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