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5 Tips to Double your Twitter Followers in 14 days!   no comments

Jun 19, 2012 @ 7:31am Ask the Expert,social media

At TurnKey this summer, we’ve amped up our social media attention across the board through our new social media contest to help you learn to leverage social media to grow your online business presence.  We are giving away some great prizes, like an iPad 3, visa gift cards, and lots more daily contests too!  So be sure to check it out.

TurnKey in the past has focused a great deal in online marketing, online discussion forums, reputation building – and of course SEO based content.  But one area we had not focused our efforts as heavily into was the core social media arena of Facebook and Twitter until recently.


As we have focused a great deal of time to leading up to, and planning our summer social media campaign – we setup new social media tabs on our web pages, designed a central landing web page, mapped out a schedule of content to write and release, and organized a concept around a contests to help make things a bit more fun for everyone.  We have seen some great success with certain strategies we’ve used in the last month, especially with twitter.

Here are some great tips on how to grow your Twitter followers:

#1: Communication is a 2 way street!  Tie your followers in with back and forth communications.  If you offer a product or service, this is a great place to accept support requests, so others can follow the conversation and learn more about your company.  Perhaps people will find you because of the key words used in the conversation, or your potential clients who are checking you out before making a purchase will just see how great you are at customer service!


#2: Follow the leader!  It sounds funny, but the reality is twitter like most social network web sites operate on the concept of social circles.  If someone is interested in cupcakes, they may be among the 88,573 followers of Sprinkles on twitter – and chances are they are interested in something to do with cupcakes.  When you follow Sprinkles, with your business – then the 88,573 followers are going to have your business factored into their social circle in one way or another.  If your business happens to also sell cupcakes, or other tasty treats – then its very likely next time those 88,573 followers login to twitter they may be recommended to follow your twitter account!


#3: Become a Leader by Following the Followers: this sounds counter productive, but the reality is if you follow someone, then you show up on their dash board and are highghly considered for the social circle recomendations.  Lets use our Sprinkles cupcakes twitter account example above.  They have 88,573 followers – if you take the time to look through their followers, and follow 500 of them, on average you are going to see a chunk of them follow you back. within a week.  Stick to active twitter follower accounts, and you can rotate out the one’s who don’t follow you back, with new ones.  Twitter limits you to 1,000 people you can follow until you grow your own following past the 2,000 mark.  Using this tactic is a great way to gain followers who are intersted in a specific subject!  This is one of the big secret tips used by those expensive SEO and Social Media Firms – but its so basic you can do it yourself for free.


#4  Remember the 3 C’s – Content, Content, Content: Sure its a dime a dozen out there, not even a dime these days in the online world economy  to attract followers.  The secret is to offer content that potential followers will find intersting that relates to something you might be promoting or doing – then be sure to tweat and re-tweat about these subjects.   If you make cupcakes, and there is an online article about new gluten free cupcakes, tweat about it and link to it.  Your followers and social circles will locate you in regards to that content.  If you happen to be dealing in a subject matter that has high media awareness tweet about!  If you are the marketing/PR person for a law firm, and a big national legal court case is hot in the news – tweet about the case daily linking to intersting comments, or better yet write your own on your blog and link back via a tweet!.  You can find large numbers of followers in a very short period of time if you can tie in with big events when you offer something intersting to say.


#5: Re-tweeting 101 : Re-tweeting is the action of looking at other twitter feeds/accounts and re-posting their tweet on your twitter account.  It’s as simple as clicking the re-tweet button (hover your mouse pointer over the twitter post you want to retweet, and the link to re-tweet appears).  Re-tweet content that matches up with what you tweet and discuss, and you now further interconect your social circle with their followers, again leading more potential followers to now have relevant recomendations to consider following you!

So how do you double your twitter followers?  Hard work – yes, but Smart work is the key!  These tips above are a great way to get people to pay attention and follow your twitter feed.  With some time each day, you can double your following in 14 days or less!




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Written by Adam on June 19th, 2012

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